

As Christians, a lot of our talking is to or about Jesus, but how often do we just listen to Jesus. We have flooded the world with doctrinal debates, arguments, opinions, ideologies, and posts about Jesus, but if we do not balance all of that with a desire and practice to listen to Jesus then we have made the same mistake as Peter at the Transfiguration. There are appropriate times to talk, but there are also times when we need to simply listen.



Our scriptures this week include the passage Chess is discussing, Mark 9:2-9, as well as 2 Kings 2:1-12, Psalm 50:1-6 and 2 Corinthians 4:3-6.

Our Worship this Week

Suggested Order of Worship for our virtual services.

Giving is a part of our Worship

Request connection information for our Worship Services

Request prayer or let us know of other needs


Hymns for the Week

Be encouraged this week by these songs. You can find our playlist here on Spotify.


We Shall Assemble

Lord, Most High

Hilltops of Glory

My Eyes Have Seen Your Glory

Open the Eyes of My Heart

Highest Place

I’ll Live in Glory

Shine, Jesus Shine


Children’s Activities for the Week

Messages from Oscar in Spanish

One Response to “Listening”

  1. Donnis Crump says:

    Yes! What did they say!
    Exodus multiple meanings
    Peter meant well
    what went wrong

    too easy to listen to Jesus?
    Bible scripture read you too
    be surprised hear what we do not want to
    hear again and again.. converse with Jesus
    ask questions silence