Tuesday Bible Study
Gospel of Matthew Study Plan
Infancy Narrative |
Matt 1.1-2.23 |
26-Sep |
1.1-17 |
Jesus’ Genealogy |
I. 18—25 |
The Birth of Jesus |
2.1-12 |
The Magi Visit Jesus |
2.13-23 |
Travels to Egypt |
Beginning of Jesus |
Matt 3:1-7:29 |
3-Oct |
3.1—10 |
The Preaching of John |
3.11-17 |
Jesus’ Baptism |
4. I—I I |
Temptation in the |
4.12-17 |
Announcing the Kingdom |
4.18—25 |
Jesus Calls the |
10-Oct |
5.1-12 |
The Beatitudes |
5.13-20 |
Fulfilling the Law |
5.21—26 |
On Murder and |
5.27-37 |
On Adultery and Oaths |
5.38-48 |
Loving Your Enemies |
6.1—6 |
Piety in Secret |
6.7—15 |
The Lord’s Prayer |
6.16—24 |
On Fasting and Lasting |
6.25—34 |
Do Not Worry |
7.1—6 |
On Judging Others |
7.7-12 |
On Prayer |
7.13-23 |
The Two ways |
7.24-27 |
True Obedience |
7:28-29 |
Conclusion of Section |
17-Oct |
No Class |
Revelation of Jesus |
Matt 8:1-11:1 |
24-Oct |
8.1—13 |
The Healing of the Leper |
8.14-22 |
On Following Jesus |
8.23-27 |
The Calming of the Storm |
8.28—34 |
The Healing of the |
9.1–8 |
The Healing of the |
9.9—17 |
The Call of Matthew |
9.18—26 |
The Raising of the |
9.27-36 |
Jesus’ Fame Increases |
9:37-10.15 |
The Twelve Are Sent Out |
10.16-23 |
Sheep among Wolves |
10.24-31 |
Warnings and |
10.32—10:42 |
Jesus Causes Division |
11:1 |
Conclusion of Section |
Jesus’ Ministry Causes |
Matt 11:2-13:53 |
31-Oct |
11.2—6 |
Jesus and John the Baptist |
11.7—15 |
The Identity of John the |
11.16—24 |
Jesus Condemns the |
11.25—30 |
Jesus’ Invitation |
12.1—14 |
Lord of the Sabbath |
12.15—21 |
The Servant |
12.22-32 |
Jesus and Beelzebul |
12.33-42 |
The Sign of Jonah |
12.43-50 |
Jesus’ True Family |
7-Nov |
13.1—9 |
The Parable of the Sower |
13.10—17 |
The Reason for Parables |
13.18—23 |
The Parable of the Sower |
13.24—35 |
The Parable of the Weeds |
13.36—43 |
The Parable of the Weeds |
13.44—52 |
Other Parables |
13.53 |
Conclusion of Section |
Jesus and His Disciples |
Matt 13:54-19:2 |
14-Nov |
13.54—58 |
Opposition in Nazareth |
14.1-12 |
The Death of John the |
14.13—22 |
The Feeding of the Five |
14.23—36 |
Jesus Walks on Water |
15.1—9 |
Discussions of Clean and |
15.10-20 |
The Parable of Clean and |
15.21-28 |
The Canaanite Woman |
15.29-39 |
The Feeding of the Four |
16.1—12 |
The Leaven of the |
16.13-20 |
Peter’s Declaration of |
16.21—28 |
Jesus Predicts His Death |
17.1—8 |
The Transfiguration |
17.9-13 |
The Question about |
17.14—21 |
Faith that Moves |
17.22-27 |
The Temple Tax |
21-Nov |
No Class |
28-Nov |
18.1—7 |
Humility and Danger |
18.8—14 |
More about the ‘Little |
18.15—20 |
Reconciliation and |
18.21—35 |
The Challenge of |
19:1-2 |
Conclusion of Section |
Jesus, Judgement and |
Matt 19.3-26.2 |
5-Dec |
19.3—9 |
The Question about |
19.10—15 |
Marriage, Celibacy and |
19.16—22 |
The Rich Young Man |
19.23—30 |
The First and the Last |
20.1—16 |
The Workers in the |
20.17-28 |
The Cup He Had to Drink |
20.29-34 |
The Healing of Two Blind |
21.1—11 |
Jesus Rides into |
21.12—22 |
The Temple and the |
21.23-32 |
The Question about John |
21.33-46 |
The Parable of the |
22.1—14 |
The Parable of the |
22.15—22 |
Paying Taxes to Caesar |
22.23-33 |
The Question of the |
22.34—46 |
The Great Commandment, |
12-Dec |
23.1—12 |
Warnings against Scribes |
23.13—22 |
Condemnation of Scribes |
23.23—33 |
Condemnation of Scribes |
23.34—39 |
Judgment on Jerusalem |
24.1—14 |
The Beginning of the |
24.15—28 |
The Desolating Sacrilege |
24.29—35 |
The Coming of the Son of |
24.36—44 |
The Unexpected Coming |
24.45-51 |
The Wise and Wicked |
25.1—13 |
The Wise and Foolish |
25.14—30 |
The Parable of the |
25.31—46 |
The Sheep and the Goats |
26:1-2 |
Conclusion of Section |
Passion, Resurrection |
Matt 26:3-28:20 |
19-Dec |
26.3—13 |
Preparations for Jesus’ |
26.14—25 |
Passover and Betrayal |
26.26—35 |
The Last Supper |
26.36—46 |
Gethsemane |
26.47-56 |
Jesus is |
26.57—68 |
Jesus Before Caiaphas |
26.69-75 |
Peter’s Denial |
27.1—10 |
The Death of Judas |
27.11—26 |
Jesus and Barabbas |
27.27-38 |
Jesus Mocked and |
27.39—44 |
Jesus Mocked on the |
27.45-56 |
The Death of God’s Son |
27.57-66 |
The Burial of Jesus |
28.1—10 |
The Resurrection of |
28.11—15 |
The Priests and the |
28.16—20 |
The Great Commission |
Class Resumes January 16 |