The Snare is Broken

The Snare is Broken

Psalm 124

Reading Psalm 124 feels like a personal guarantee of safety. Maybe it is a favorite hymn, or perhaps it gave you hope through hard times, but it is also the greatest story ever told. In poetic form, this psalm tells the story of the cross, but to get there we first need to remember the cross as a story of victory rather than a personal story of forgiveness. The question that’s left, then, is what have we done with our escape?
Peace, Chess

As you prepare for this Sunday’s worship

Included here are the scriptures, reflection questions, and prayers that are thematically matched to our Sunday worship outline.

Scriptures: Exod 1:8-2:10; Ps 124; Matt 16:13-20; Rom 12:1-8

Questions for Reflection:

When have you succeeded in resisting the forces that seek to conform us

to the world? How has that felt like “spiritual worship”? What are the ways you most readily answer Jesus’ question: “Who do you say that I am?”

Morning Prayer:

Today, O God, help me receive your revelation that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of the living God. It is in his name I pray. Amen.

Evening Prayer:

Holy God, for anything I did this day that was pleasing to you, I give you thanks and pray that you use me to your glory; for anything I did this day that was displeasing to you, I ask your forgiveness and pray that you redeem me for your glory. Amen.