

The temptation of Jesus is meaningful for many reasons. The story proves that Jesus was subject to temptation, fully human like us, while also demonstrating that Jesus understands the struggles of temptation that we face. But perhaps even more significantly is the reminder that temptation does not define us. With the help and support of God, we have a real choice in the face of temptation, just as Jesus did in the desert.

Our scriptures this week include the passage Chess is discussing, Mark 1:9-15, as well as Genesis 9:8-17, Psalm 25:1-10 and 1 Peter 3:18-22.

Our Worship this Week

Suggested Order of Worship for our virtual services.

Hymns for the Week

Be encouraged this week by these songs. You can find our playlist here on Spotify.
Covenant of Love
Unto Thee O Lord
Had it Not Been the Lord
Great is Thy Faithfulness
When the Night is Falling (Zoe)
I Want Jesus to Walk with Me
Lift Ev’ry Voice & Sing

Messages from Oscar in Spanish

One Response to “Temptation”

  1. Donnis D Crump says:

    Mark 1.9-15
    Jesus was tempted
    heavens torn apart
    drove him out
    wild beasts
    and then
    and afterword
    the time is fulfilled
    turn back and believe the good news

    no way to avoid the story
    Jesus relatable
    temptation is NOT the sin itself
    If Jesus can be temped anyone can.
    be kind to others and ourselves
    Jesus was not alone. Neither are we.
    a battle we can endure
    God defines us.
    face t’s empowered by God
    lean on one another
    extend grace and mercy
    trust God
    slave to Jesus
