Still Fishing


Still Fishing

Scripture is full of callings – moments when God seems to redirect someone’s life by drafting them into service for the Kingdom of God. Mark 1:14-20, the calling of Peter, Andrew, James, and John, is one of those moments. However God isn’t redirecting their life as much as giving them a chance to use their life for God.
Our scriptures this week include the passage Chess is discussing, Mark 1:14-20, as well as Jonah 3:1-5, 10, Psalm 62:5-12, and 1 Corinthians 7:29-31.

Our Worship this Week

Suggested Order of Worship for our virtual services.

Hymns for the Week

Be encouraged this week by these songs. You can find our playlist here on Spotify.

The Lord is in His Holy Temple
A Mighty Fortress
Who Can Satisfy My Soul
God of Grace and God of Glory
Dear Lord and Father of Mankind
He Leadeth Me
When This Passing World is Done
This World is Not My Home

One Response to “Still Fishing”

  1. Donnis Crump says:

    I love the example of the Exodus artists