Spiritual Homework July 1

July 1st, 2020 

Hello, church! I hope you are all doing well and not melting in the summer heat. The committee tasked with resuming worship and the elders are hard at work. I ask that all of you keep them and their efforts in your prayers. They love you all dearly and hold your health, safety, and interests close to their hearts. I ask that this week you spend extra time praying for them, for their wisdom, and for their rest as we all look forward to the day that we can resume worship. I also ask that you continue to pray for the world as we continue to live lives affected by the coronavirus.  



Sunday Worship

Included here are the scriptures, reflection questions, and prayers that are thematically matched to our Sunday worship outline. 

Scriptures: Gen 24:34-67; Ps 45:10-17; Matt 11:16-19, 25-30; Rom 7:15-25a 

Questions for Reflection: 

What misplaced burdens are you carrying? Where might God be offering you a more well-fitted yoke? Where are your expectations of God and the church unmet?  Where do you sense God moving in hidden ways? 

Morning Prayer: 

As the darkness recedes, open my eyes to the gift of this day; help me to trust you with all that it will hold. In the hours to come, as my plans are interrupted, tune my ear to the sound of your voice, my eye to the movement of your Spirit, my heart to the strength of your desire, that I might glimpse your hidden graces and be strengthened in your service, for I would be your instrument. Amen. 

Evening Prayer:  

Merciful God, I come weary, grateful for the chance to meet you in the silence, eager to be washed again in your claim. Lift from me the burdens I do not easily yield. In your gracious provision, fit me with a better yoke that I might rest as a child secure and rise with a teachable spirit. Amen. 

Bible Maps

Geography isn’t my hobby, and I don’t consider myself a visual learner. I understand, however that many people love maps and are visual learners, and if you are one such person, you should be reading the Bible with a good set of maps handy. Lots of Bibles have a handful of maps in the back, but often not the one I need, or the one I wish existed. So this week I have included a link to A BUNCH of free (and good) maps that are very, if not oddly, specific. It would especially be a good bookmark on your phone so that you can use it at church/on the go. Maps like these are a great way to visualize and contextualize the Bible. 

Family Activities

This week we are continuing to practice our skills in using the Bible.  Here is a fun worksheet on Bugs in the Bible.  Work with your kids to looks up the scriptures and fill in the blanks. We also have a couple of things for the July 4th holiday—a reminder that God is with us whereever we are and an indoor fireworks game.  

Previous Links

Below are the links to resources I have mentioned in previous emails for your continued reference. 

Weekly Lectionary 

Daily Lectionary 

Bible Gateway Reading Plans 

Phyllis Tickle’s, Divine Hours 

The Way of the Heart, by Henri Nouwen 

Breath Prayers 

Awed to Heaven, Rooted in Earth , by Walter Brueggemann 

The Spiritual Disciplines Handbook by Adele Ahlberg Calhoun 

The Discernment of Spirits and workbook by Timothy Gallagher  

Blog on Prayer Labyrinths  

St. John’s Bible  

Christian Classics Ethereal Library 

Prayers for a Privileged People 

Shattering the Illusion: How African American Churches of Christ Moved from Segregation to Independence by Wes Crawford 

Jesus and the Disinherited, by Howard Thurman 

The Road Back to You by Ian Cron 


Sinners in the Hands of a Loving God, by Brian Zahnd 

Dead Sea Scrolls