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In chapter one, Paul writes of sharing the gospel in word and power, and in chapter two the concept is elaborated by adding the sharinof ourselves. It is not enough to share the content of the gospel; we must also share ourselves, which requires an uncommon vulnerability.  

As you read I Thessalonians 2:1-8 ask yourself these questions.  Talk about them at your dinner table. 

What is the connection between sharing of self and sharing the gospel? 
How can we share ourselves? 
How can we share ourselves and the gospel during the pandemic? 
Our other scriptures for the week include:

Sing with Us:

While we cannot sing in our in-person worship, we can be united in mind and heart by listening to and singing the same songs while we are apart. 
You can find our playlist for this week here:

A Common Love for Each Other 

O God, Our Help in Ages Past 

Be Unto Your Name 

On Jordan’s Stormy Banks I Stand 

We Are The Body Of Christ 

Blest Be the Tie That Binds 

My Task 

Blessed Be Your Name


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