Return with Thanksgiving
Ten lepers are healed by Jesus, yet only one takes the time and effort to return to thank Jesus. How often do we return to thank God for the blessings, forgiveness, and very life that we live? This holiday season, at the end of a difficult year, perhaps it is hard to find reasons to be thankful, but God has already given us so many reasons to return with thanksgiving.
As you read Luke 17:11-19 ask yourself these questions. Talk about them at your dinner table.
- Do we limit thanksgiving to received blessings, or do we remember to be thankful for the works of God we might otherwise take for granted (i.e., forgiveness, life, and love)?
- Do we remember to give thanks when life does not go our way?
- What daily habits can we nurture to help us return with thanksgiving?
Our other scriptures for the week include:
Deut 8:7-18; Psalm 65; 2 Cor 9:6-15
Our Worship this Week:
Hymns for the Week:
Be encouraged this week by these songs. You can find our playlist on YouTube and Spotify.
Lord Most High
Come Thou Fount
Blessed Be Your Name
My Eyes Are Dry
Lord, Take My Life
Amazing Grace
I Am a Sheep