Remembering the Future
Remembering the future might sound like some line from the Back to the Future movies, but it is also the way the psalmist handles lament in Psalm 13. When we find ourselves stuck in lament in the present, sometimes the best way forward is to remember the past.
Our Worship this Week:
Hymns for the Week:
Scriptures: Gen 22:1-14; Ps 13; Matt 10:40-42, Rom 6:12-23
Questions for Reflection
What is God asking me to return? Why? What might be the outcome?
Morning Prayer:
I rise this day in the power of your Holy Spirit, O God. I lift up my hands, my heart, and my songs to praise you, O Christ. Be for me today, my Savior, the guardian in my weakness, a friend on my journey, and my aim for all I seek to do. May all who speak to me say, “Peace”; may all to whom I speak hear, “Love.” Give visions of Christ in pied beauty around tables of meeting, along paths of dappling shadows, and in the faces of loved ones and strangers. Whether the day is bright or gloomy, be my light. Then, when the night begins to fall, bid me home—be my home, that I may find my rest in you, O Three in One. Amen.
Evening Prayer:
Be my light, O Creator of light, as evening comes to my home and to me. Let me see your name written in sparkling stars, glowing planets, dancing cosmic wind. Let me hear you pass gently in the cool of the night’s breeze, on the wings of the night-flying creatures. And if there are to be storms this night, so that I shall not see the sky, and a gale howls with fearful threats, let me still put my trust in you, rest in you. Or, because there is a need in the world, rise up as you give me strength to bear witness with heart and hands to the world’s true light, in whose name I pray. Amen.