Remembering our Future

Remembering our Future

Psalm 105:1-6, 16-22
So much of Israel’s identity is rooted in their shared experiences. A story about Joseph isn’t just something that happened long ago, but is an invitation to read yourself and situation into the story of Joseph. Psalm 105 is such an invitation that would shape our hopes for the future by remembering the past.

As you prepare for this Sunday’s worship 

Included here are the scriptures, reflection questions, and prayers that are thematically matched to our Sunday worship outline. 

Scriptures: Gen 37:1-4, 12-28; Ps 105:1-6, 16-22, 45b; Matt 14:22-33; Rom 10:5-15

Questions for Reflection:

Why did Jesus send the disciples ahead while he stayed to pray alone? How do times of turmoil and anxiety affect your trust in God?

Morning Prayer:

God of my destiny, thank you for a new day in which your purpose will unfold. Send me now as your servant to succor the suffering and as your disciple to declare the good news of your Son. Help me to remember during times of testing that your word goes ahead of me and upholds me. Amen.

Evening Prayer:

Son of God, this day has been crowded with work and service. This evening, bring me alone with you to the mountain to pray. Help me to know your reassuring presence with me through the night hours. May I come to you and rest in you. Amen.

One Response to “Remembering our Future”

  1. Donnis Crump says:

    What a wonderful sermon!
    We today are part of God’s history.