On Saturday July 15, Arlington Church of Christ is hosting a revival worship service at 6:30pm led by Jerry Taylor of Abilene Christian University’s Carl Spain Center for Race Studies and Spiritual Action. A message from Jerry explaining the full bus tour is found below.
The United States is in a severe spiritual crisis. Many Americans have abandoned the practice of paying attention to the inner life. Diluted and distorted Christianity has become a lethal weapon in the hands of leaders who resemble those who used the Temple of Jesus’ day to promote covert carnal agendas in the name of religion. The mean hateful rhetoric in the national discourse today consists of ugly words that have their origin in the underground reservoirs of human bitterness and rage. As a society we need a vocabulary that enables us to become more humanly kind in our verbal interactions with one another.
Language in America has become very deadly. Violent words are used as dirty utensils to stir up the boiling pot of violent actions. The racial healing of America requires healthy words that serve as the massive medicine balm for the healing of the nation. As American citizens we must upgrade our language. This upgrade demands us to renew our faith in love as the most powerful force in the entire universe. It is love that produces the Words of Life and the Words of Healing!
The Racial Healing of America Revival and Bus Tour scheduled for July 9-17 will carry these Words of Life and Healing across the south all the way to Washington D.C. We are thankful to announce that all 56 seats on the charter bus are filled. We are asking friends to join us all across the world for the next 30 days in fervent prayer for the racial and political healing of our country. As people of faith we believe that it will take the spiritual wisdom of God almighty to avoid a national calamity of civil unrest between the shining and glistening shores of the United States of America!
We pray for the emergence of healthy words that will heal and not kill the soul of our ailing society.
Jerry Taylor