Preach Often

 Preach Often

God has chosen to give to us the Word, which is not only scripture, but is Jesus himself. This Word, Paul writes, was given to the Thessalonians and they in turn sent it back out into the world so that others might received it also. But they sent the Word not with words, but with their reputation.  

As you read I Thessalonians 1:1-10 ask yourself these questions.  Talk about them at your dinner table. 

  1. For what has God chosen us? To simply be forgiven, or for more?   
    2.  What or whom do we imitate? 
    3.  What “word sounds forth” from us, individually and/or corporately 
    4.  What role does the Holy Spirit play in our lives? In this passage 

Sing with Us:

While we cannot sing in our in-person worship, we can be united in mind and heart by listening to and singing the same songs while we are apart. 
You can find our playlist for this week here:

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