Kingdom and Glory

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Kingdom and Glory

God’s word was made flesh and sent to live among us, working in us to call us into God’s kingdom and glory, but what will we do with this word? Will we let it transform us into the image of God, or will we limit and edit the word of God? Will we live a life worthy of God?

As you read I Thessalonians 2:9-13 ask yourself these questions. Talk about them at your dinner table.

  • In what ways is the word of God working among and in us?
  • In what manner do we accept the word of God? With welcome and zeal or hesitancy and reluctance?
  • In what ways are we called into God’s kingdom and glory today?
Our other scriptures for the week include:

Sing with Us:

While we cannot sing in our in-person worship, we can be united in mind and heart by listening to and singing the same songs while we are apart. 
You can find our playlist for this week here:

Other Key Links: