Glorify Your Name


Glorify Your Name

In speaking of his death, Jesus reminds us that God honors those who serve and follow Jesus. As we follow Jesus to the cross, we see his willingness to lose his life so that we might have life. In this act of sacrifice God’s name is glorified, and in our service to Jesus God is also glorified.

Our scriptures this week include the passage Chess is discussing, John 12:20-33, as well as Jeremiah 31:31-34, Psalm 51:1-12 and Hebrews 5:5-10.

Our Worship this Week

Suggested Order of Worship for our virtual services.

Hymns for the Week

Be encouraged this week by these songs. You can find our playlist here on Spotify.
Come Let Us Bow Down (Zoe)
Psalm 51 / Have Mercy on Me, O God
Bring Christ Your Broken Life
I Will Change Your Name
My Eyes Have Seen Your Glory
Glorify Thy Name
We Will Glorify
Create in Me
Make Me More Free

Messages from Oscar in Spanish

One Response to “Glorify Your Name”

  1. Donnis Crump says:

    3 times God speaks to Jesus
    3rd here in John 12
    Greeks Philip to Andrew

    I have glorified it and I will glorify it again

    God’s name will be glorified
    his death
    death vs glory
    death surrender glory

    who are we honoring

    glory and cross our true north
    love God … and your neighbor as yourself

    when we serve we bring glory to God