Join us on November 15 in caring for “the least of these.”
Jesus told his followers to love unselfishly – and that love requires not just feeling, but action. He told the story of a king who rewards his servants for demonstrating love:
“I was hungry and you gave me something to eat,” says the king. “I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you cared for me.”
The servants are bewildered. They ask their master, the king: “Sir, when did we see you in need?”
He replies, “Here’s how it is: Whatever you did for one of the least of these, for my people, you did for me.”
These days “the least of these” are still among us, especially this pandemic. Many in our community have contracted the virus or are caring for family members who have it, and the cost of care has drained their pocketbooks. Others have been furloughed from jobs and are in such financial difficulty that they must rely on social service agencies to help put food on the table.
On Sunday, November 15, your friends at the Arlington Church of Christ invite you to join with us in showing love and compassion for our needy neighbors. That day, we’re hosting a drive-thru coat and food drive from 10am to 3pm in our church parking lot at the corner of Arlington Boulevard and Irving Street.
Please gather up gather any clean, used coats you may have – or new packs of underwear or socks – and drop them off along with a bag of canned goods. The coats, underwear and socks will be given to area shelters to keep our homeless neighbors warm. The food items will go to the Arlington Food Assistance Center for those in need.
You won’t even need to get out of your car. Just drive through – we’ll have volunteers there, masked of course, to take your donation – and drive away.
Suggested items to donate: Coats (clean and serviceable); new packages of underwear, socks, or gloves; and nonperishable food (Vegetables, soup, cereal, and peanut butter particularly needed. No glass jars, please.)
At the Arlington Church of Christ, we’re committed to Jesus’ call to love our neighbor. We’d be grateful for your support in doing that on November 15. And if you think of any way we can be helpful to you, do let us know.