A Balanced Prayer
The author of psalm 17 finds himself in a situation that resonates with 2020. We don’t know the exact circumstances, but things seem dire. Like us, the psalmists prays for God to fix the world and set things right. But the psalmist also prays for God to stay close enough that he can see God’s face. There’s a balance to be found between these two prayer requests that I think would benefit us all this year.
Our Worship this Week:
Hymns for the Week:
As you prepare for this Sunday’s worship
Included here are the scriptures, reflection questions, and prayers that are thematically matched to our Sunday worship outline.
Scriptures: Gen 32:22-31; Ps 17:1-7, 15; Matt 14:13-21; Rom 9:1-5
Questions for Reflection:
“Jacob was left alone; and a man wrestled with him until daybreak” (Gen. 32:24). Why do you think God allows times of struggle in our lives? How have times of struggle affected your walk with God? How does your relationship with God affect your view of overwhelming problems in the world, such as hunger, poverty, violence, or injustice?
Morning Prayer:
God of daybreak, thank you for holding me through the night and awakening me to behold your likeness in this brand-new day. Go with me now as I walk with you. Show me the world and its people through your eyes of compassion. Bless me, break me, and move through me to heal and feed those who hunger for you. Amen.
Evening Prayer:
O God, tonight I lay my failures, anxieties, struggles, and unfinished business at your feet. Hold me, bless me, and change me as I rest in you. Amen.